Have you ever wondered which the best time around the year to start exercising? Spring is the best time for exercising. This is because the weather is warm and has longer daylight hours which give you the desire to be active and stay healthy and fit. Given below are easy steps that you should follow to stay healthy and fit. These steps will ensure that you stay healthy and on track for complete fitness.

Here are the steps:

You should eat less amount of food during each meal. For this you can drink one glass of water before the meal. This is helpful as water will fill up your stomach thus you will eat less amount of food. Also, water ensures that the toxins are flushed out from the body.

You should make sure to eat breakfast daily. It is a common mistake not to eat breakfast. Breakfast is necessary as your body needs energy to become active and start the day.

You must have heard the phrase an apple a day keeps the doctor away. This is true as apples provide you with a healthy snack, providing you with fiber and nutrients. Make it a habit of eating apple everyday

Exercise regularly. The best and less boring exercise is walking. For this all you need is a good pair of jogging shoes and go out for a walk. Walking will increase fitness level, at the same time reducing stress.

You should stretch your muscles regularly. Before and after starting a walk you should performing stretching exercise. Make it a regular routine and a habit.

You should get enough sleep if you decide to stay active and fit. You will never be able to achieve the goal of the day if you are tired and sleepy. Get a sleep of approximately seven hours per day if you intend to stay active for the rest of the day.

Keep your mind free of stress. This is very important in leading a health and fit life. You should take proper diet and exercise regularly to ensure that life is stress-free. Meditating is said to be a good way to relive healthy.

Not only walking will help you in staying fit but you should also get used to incorporating other exercises in your daily routine as well. This will ensure that your body stays active even on the day when you couldn't go for a regular walk.


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Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com